Banking executive with experience in the finance industry spanning close to 4 decades, internationally and locally. Focusing on creating strong corporate values, by effectively combining extensive knowledge and a managerial background from a diverse range of roles in retail banking and corporate marketing. Held various senior management posts, mainly in the area of Retail and Personal Banking, Mutual Funds, Investment products and Marketing at Eurobank, Euromerchant Bank, Barclays Bank PLC and the National Bank of Greece, in Greece and the UK.
Responsible for Eurobank’s Marketing and Corporate Communication Strategy, and a wide range of online and offline projects. Proudly supporting CSR initiatives for culture, sports, social change and entrepreneurship. Actively engaged in the egg – enter•grow•go business accelerator, also acting as Chairman of the Steering Committee. Advisory Board Member at Big Pi Ventures, Uni fund, Velocity.Partners Venture Capital. Holds an MBA in Financial Services from ALBA Graduate Business School and a Degree in Economics from the University of Athens, and has attended various executive training courses, including Strategic Marketing at Harvard Business School and Leadership at IMD.